Pilgrim Center’s MISSION of Reconciliation
We are called to bring hope and healing by renewing individuals, restoring relationships, and revitalizing communities through the ministry of reconciliation.
Conflict has marked human history causing pain, trauma, bitterness, and division between individuals, communities, and nations. Cycles of conflict create both brokenness and despair.
Our work calls us to places of historic and contemporary conflict with a unique experience of reconciliation to awaken hope and healing in wounded lives and divided communities.

Through retreats, courses, and other mediation efforts we create safe spaces where individuals and groups are gently invited to experience repentance, forgiveness, and restored relationships, empowering them to rebuild trust and strengthen the social fabric of their community.
“All this is from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.”
2 Corinthians 5:18

WE EMBRACE our dependence on God and rest in His healing power.
WE WELCOME all people and affirm the dignity of every human being as created in the image of God. We seek to create safe spaces, where strangers and even enemies can become friends.
WE WORK together interdependently, with unity in the midst of diversity, and value the unique gifts, talents and experiences each person brings.
WE SERVE with assurance and confidence as followers of Christ, affirming servant leadership, and fully trust God to equip and empower us.
WE STEWARD our time, talents, and resources, and are accountable to God for our attitudes and actions.
WE MODEL healthy inter-personal relationships, speaking the truth in love, guarding confidentiality, and resolving conflicts biblically.
“If the whole country could hear the messages we are hearing now today, the whole country would be healed immediately!” South Sudanese Leader
“When people come and build our schools, we are so grateful. When we have our hearts healed, we can build our own schools.” Rwandan Leader
“In the Heart of Reconciliation Retreat I was healed from wounds that I had been carrying since World War II.” 94 year old US WWII Veteran

PRESENCE: We are lovingly present with people where they are. We patiently and tenderly listen to their hearts.
HEAL: We provide opportunities for groups of individuals to come away to rest, refresh and receive the healing ministry of reconciliation.
EQUIP: We develop follow-up tools for individuals and groups of leaders who have participated in the ministry of the Pilgrim Center so they can extend the ministry of reconciliation.
TRAIN: We mentor individuals and groups of leaders nationally and internationally who will multiply the ministry of the Pilgrim Center.
PARTNER: We grow connections with individuals and organizations who share compatible values and goals.
RESOURCE: We increase the capacity of the Pilgrim Center to provide resources and support to other interested individuals and organizations that pursue the work of peace and reconciliation.
WITNESS: We stand and speak the truth in love in places of historic and contemporary conflict and pain.
“Some say it is too early for reconciliation, some say it is too late for reconciliation, we say it is always time for reconciliation.”
Dr. Arthur Rouner, Founder