Our Impact in the United States, Eastern Africa and other regions

The Movement of Reconciliation in the United States
Removing blockages. Building bridges. Creating pathways.
Many people in the United States are wounded from historic and contemporary conflict, abuse, violence, prejudice and trauma.
We create opportunities for individuals and groups to come into safe, brave spaces to experience the journey of healing and reconciliation with God.
We have hosted healing retreats and reconciliation courses for churches, organizations, veterans groups, refugees and other throughout the Midwest and the East Coast.
“Many decades of suffering are over. The experiences are not forgotten but they are no longer so important. Now I am at peace, I am healed, I am able to understand them with a new perspective and I am able to move on free from the pain.
“When and how the healing actually took place is a mystery to me. But it happened, I am now different, happier and finally at peace.
Course Participant in Minnesota
“As we were brought deep into the heart of God, I was reminded once again of my identity and gained a deeper understanding of the partnership I need to have with the Lord.
“As I left the last session, it felt like a soothing balm filled my entire being and I was flooded with peace. I am convinced that the blockage or wound that I had in the beginning was removed or healed.
Healing & Reconciliation Retreat participant
“I came to the Healing Hearts retreat in the hope that I would be able to finally put to rest some issues that I feel I was still holding on to that had affected myself and my family.
“The facilitation team was able to help me do just that. Through the anointing of the Holy Spirit, they were able to show me how holding onto the pain was keeping me from fully serving the Lord and by seeing my own role in the situation, however small or big, I was able to be content in the choice to renew or release that relationship.”
Heart of Reconciliation Retreat participant

The Movement of Reconciliation in East Africa
Wounded people wound, healed people heal.
This has been the story of our movement in East African countries.
Many of our African leaders have been deeply impacted in their lives by the traumas of war, conflict, genocide, displacement, poverty, etc. After experiencing profound transformation through encounters with our healing and reconciliation process, they have become reconcilers themselves, even to those who wounded them.
Under the leadership of our African partners, PCR operates in Rwanda, Uganda, and South Sudan under local leadership. PCR is also beginning to work in the Democratic Republic of Congo. We have worked with governmental, religious and military leaders, child soldiers, women, youth and refugees.
One of our senior facilitators in Rwanda reports that, in his country alone, over 25,000 people have found renewed life and restored relationships. This leads to revitalized communities!
“I thought that with reconciliation, both sides have to be present, but I learned that reconciliation begins in personal healing—I have to start with myself. I had been hoping to bring people together; I now see it can happen and it begins from this gathering.
“From now on, I’m not looking for the effort to come from somewhere else. We can carry this powerful witness to our homes, work and communities.”
Ethiopian Refugee
“When you come we feel we are never alone, that God is with us. Many know the war is over but they do not see the silent bullet wounds in our hearts. You come and bring us words of comfort, to fill those holes in our hearts.”
Child Soldier
“Forgiveness and repentance, I’ve just been hearing you speak of them, but I have received them in my heart. I have someone who has hurt me so much. When Mama Hellen spoke of forgiveness and repentance I heard that when I forgive, I too am forgiven. So, I have forgiven that person.”
South Sudanese Refugee

The Movement of Reconciliation is Expanding
New doors continue to open. New places. New people.
The Pilgrim Center has begun work in additional countries outside of Africa and the United States in recent years. In these new places among new people we have again witnessed the power of reconciliation to bring transformation.
We have the honor to lovingly sit with people in faith during their times of deep brokenness, burdens, bondages and bitterness. Over and over again we see that light is greater than darkness, hope overcomes despair, and life triumphs over death!
“When they spoke of the person we were carrying around with us I was reminded of my dad who was killed by the cartel 4 months ago. Every time I thought of him, I cried. I felt like this was going to be my life forever. Yesterday as they prayed for me and my tears were falling, I felt rest. And now as I think of him I don’t cry, I smile.”
Participant from Petatlan, Mexico
“God has been speaking to me about faithfulness. Ministry wears us down and I have been worn down. God has been reminding me to be faithful, no matter how far we have fallen away from Him. Forget what all you have done in your own strength, God is faithful and look to Him for His strength.”
Participant Guadalajara Retreat
Reconciliation is needed now more than ever.