Bring hope and healing today!
Pilgrim Center for Reconciliation General Fund
To give directly to the Pilgrim Center for Reconciliation General Fund, please complete the form below. Your tax-deductible donation directly supports our healing work in the United States, Uganda, Rwanda, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, and many other places. Thank you for your valuable support.
Join the Circle of Friends: Become a Giving Partner

When you contribute to the Pilgrim Center we welcome you into our Circle of Friends as a giving partner! Within our Circle of Friends we also recognize those who choose to partner in particular ways. These include the following:
SUSTAINING PARTNERS: You can chose to make recurring monthly or annual contributions. Your gift has a multiplied impact over time and provides sustainability for this growing work of reconciliation.
JOURNEY PARTNERS: When you give $5000 or more annually, your generous partnership grows our existing work and empowers us to bring this remarkable ministry of reconciliation to new places and to reach new peoples.
LEGACY PARTNERS: You are invited to help us build a movement for the future. You can make a substantial gift for tomorrow, with little or no contribution today, by providing a gift to the Pilgrim Center in your Will or Estate Plan. This simple, thoughtful act reflects your lifelong commitment to reconciliation.
If you would like more information about the Circle of Friends, a Bequest Confirmation Form, or help setting up a recurring gift, please contact our office.
“What a privilege to help this healing work continue beyond our own lives. Please help this work continue if you can.”
Arthur and Molly Rouner – PCR Founders
Knowing What Matters Most: A Legacy Giving Story
by Theresa Shatzer Max and Horst Guenter Max

What if your next decision was one of your better ones?
What can I do to make the world a better place?
What do I want my legacy to be?
Questions. Important questions that we all ask ourselves as we journey through this life. What matters most to us? How do we want to be remembered? We all have a vision of what life could be, the best version of ourselves and our lives. Through the years, our understanding quickens, we know who we are, and we know that we need a focus for the passion inside us.
A legacy is about who you are and how you touch people’s lives. It’s a way to pay it forward, to serve, and it develops from the inside out – from personal to public. That’s how it all happened for me, this broken girl in this broken world.
In 2003 I was introduced to the Pilgrim Center for Reconciliation in my home church in Ossipee, NH. Our founders Arthur and Molly Rouner were speaking about their time and work in Rwanda, Africa. They spoke of the hope it brings to all who experience reconciliation with God and the relationships in their lives. Hope, healing, forgiveness, the mending of torn lives. It spoke to me with such clarity, authority, and integrity. I had to know more, and the more I knew, the more I wanted to know.
In 2003 I went to Africa….afraid and unsure of what, if anything, I could bring. It was more about what I took away. Healing happened, restoration happened, and I was on my way. The Holy Spirit was moving through this work and in my life. This reconciling work became my passion, my focus. This was the something bigger I was searching for, the way to make the world a better place.
I proudly became a legacy donor that year because I knew that this work mattered. Giving a portion of my long-term giving could make an eternal impact. The investment made was what I could do to connect deeply with something bigger, better, lasting. Legacy giving is a way to share your vision. Investing even a small portion of your estate will make a huge difference. A legacy is not what we leave FOR others. It is about what we leave IN others. That is what matters most.
What if your next decision is to leave a lasting legacy of love, of reconciliation, of renewing people and communities? I have never looked back on this decision. It matters.
“You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.”
2 Corinthians 9:11